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Let's Go Fishing!

April 4, 2022

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 4:19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

Salvation is such an amazing gift! It is so amazing that Jesus has commanded us to go into all the world and compel men and women to repent.

As disciples of Christ, we have been commanded to fish for souls! Being a great fisherman takes patience and intentionality. We must know where to fish, what bait to use and when to mend our nets and try again.

Think of it this way:

1. Our “fishing” can’t be contained to the 4 walls of the church. Go out and make disciples. Be very intentional about what you have been commanded by Jesus to do.

2. Everyone you encounter may need a different type of “bait”. All fish are not the same. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern what to say to each soul. Be sure to always come from a place of compassion, never condemnation!

3. Sometimes when fishing our nets will get snagged and need repair. Every fish you encounter won’t receive you or care about your efforts to win them over. Don’t despair! Spend time in prayer and the word (mend your net) and cast your net again!

Here are some tips to consider when fishing for souls:

1. There are fish all around you. Look again!

This world is full of unsaved people. Family members, coworkers, friends and neighbors are all candidates for salvation. Start at home and branch out. Everyone needs to hear the good news!

2. Fishing takes time. Be patient.

Sometimes fishermen spend hours upon hours waiting for fish to bite. Remember that people who are in sin may not necessarily be ready to change the first time you encounter them. Fishing takes time! Be open to sharing and sharing again as the Lord allows you to do so. Don’t get discouraged if it seems that nothing is happening on the surface. There could be something happening within their hearts (underneath the water’s surface) that you can’t see. Remember that some sow, some water but God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3: 6-8). Keep fishing by showing them love, kindness and understanding.

3. Let the Holy Spirit clean them.

We are not responsible for cleaning the fish. This is the Holy Spirits job. Our focus has to be on catching the fish! Sometimes we have amnesia as it relates to our lives before Christ. This causes us to pass judgment on others. All of us were born into sin! Let love do the drawing, not fear tactics or condemnation. Love the sinner through their process of change. Let Jesus come into their lives first and let the Holy Spirit clean the fish on His time table!

Let me close with a prayer:


Thank you for using us to expand your Kingdom. Help us to always be obedient to what you have called us to do. Help us to see souls everywhere that we go and to maximize every opportunity to tell someone about you. Help us to be strategic and to look for ways to win more souls. Strengthen us when our nets are broken and when our patience with others seems to be thin. Help us to spend more time with you and to cast our nets over and over again. Help us to have your heart, one full of love and compassion. May we win many souls to you and always give you the glory! It’s in Jesus name we pray, Amen!


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