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Let Us Pray- Four Tips to Enhance Your Prayer Life

Hi Ladies,

Today I want to encourage you in the area of prayer because that’s who we are. We are Women Who Pray and when we pray we get results!

Prayer, as you know, is simply having a conversation with God. There are many ways to pray and many tips that I can share but today I just want to share four with you.

Talk to God as If You are Talking to Your Best Friend.

Talking to God shouldn’t be stressful, cause anxiety or be exhausting to you. Praying should be something that you look forward to and should never be complicated. Yes we are talking to the Creator of All but we must never forget that He is also our loving Father! Make sure that you use language that you would normally use because you don’t have to perform or impress God. He knows all about you and loves you as you are.

Find a Quiet Place to Pray

As women we often find ourselves multi-tasking and for some we have become quite good at it. Prayer, however, is not a time to be distracted or unfocused. Carve out time in your day to get still and get into a quiet place where you can really become “naked”. Your quiet place may be in a literal closet, in your bedroom while your spouse or kids are asleep, or it may even be in your car. Wherever it is, make sure it is quiet and be open and honest with God.

Value Quality over Quantity

Unfortunately some of us have been conditioned through church organizations or those that we deem credible that we have to pray for hours in order to be effective. I beg to differ. I believe that 5-15 minutes can be just as effective if it is sincere. I want you to commit to consistency in your time versus length of time. In your consistency to meet God regularly for your specified amount of time you will find that your time with Him will become more rewarding!

Consider Keeping a Journal

There is a joy and strengthening of your soul that happens whenever you have documented proof of what God has done for you. Whenever you journal this is your way of keeping your requests and answered prayers before you. As you begin to put a date and time beside your situation, you will begin to build a book of testimonies of what God has done in your life that you can share with others!

Philippians 4: 6-7

Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. 7 And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].


Need a Prayer Journal? I am proud to announce that I have written my second book which is a 276 page prayer journal. The journal includes encouraging scriptures, prayer prompts, a monthly planner and a prayer method that will help you become more focused in on how to effectively pray.

You can pre-order today. Click on the Shop/Books tab and reserve your copy!

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