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Tear the Roof Off!


Hello Ladies. This month I want to encourage you to stay on your assignment as an intercessor. An intercessor is defined as a person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer. The assignment of an intercessor is weighty but very necessary if we are going to see victory in the lives of others.

In Luke 5:17-26 we find a paralyzed man in need of a miracle. Jesus was teaching and the power of the Lord was upon him to heal. Unable to get the paralyzed man in front of Jesus, the friends of the paraplegic, climbed on top of the roof and tore the tiles off. They then dropped the man right down in front of the Great Physician so that his need could be met. It was because of their “active” faith that the man’s sins were forgiven, and he was healed.

This story is a perfect picture of what we are called to do. We are called to “carry” someone in need directly into the presence of the Great I Am knowing that whatever the need is, God is able to provide the remedy.

For the month of June, I want to challenge you to do something special. Think of one person that has a need. It may be a family member, a friend, co-worker or even an enemy. Yes, I said enemy (Matthew 5:44). Your challenge is to write their name on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Every day for the month of June I challenge you to say a special prayer for that person. They may need physical healing, salvation, freedom from depression, a financial breakthrough, increased joy and peace. The list of needs goes on and on. This is your chance to bring them into the presence of Jesus through prayer. This is your time, intercessor, to think of yourself less!

Are you up to the challenge? I know that you are because When Women Pray we bring others into the presence of Jesus, think of ourselves less and get life changing results.

Pushing and Loving You Into Greater,


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