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There is Still Only One Way!

Recently I listened to a video on Facebook that was shared by a very famous social media personality. She retold a very comical account of her upbringing and how we should all get connected to God in our own way. She then went on to say that we need to focus on our relationship with God and not religion because religion divides or separates us. Now for many of us we know this to be true because we should never allow whether or not we wear pants, lip gloss, or belong to a certain denomination determine if we are connected to God or not. These are merely traditions of men not relational indicators. My problem wasn’t what she said it was what she didn’t say. She spent over 10 minutes telling a very comical half-truth that I’m not sure that many caught.

Now some of you may say, “Shindy, what are you talking about?” I am so glad that you asked! This personality has millions of followers across various platforms which makes her an influencer. An influencer is someone who has the authority over or trust of a certain group of people. An influencer is someone who causes others to make specific decisions based on what they say and share. Now that’s a weighty responsibility isn’t it? What I am saying is that there are millions of people that are hanging onto her words and she never once mentioned “the door” to God which is Jesus Christ and she is a CHRISTIAN! She told half of the truth!

Now I know that there will be people that say that if she isn’t a spiritual guide or if her platform doesn’t bring spiritual awareness she doesn’t have to indoctrinate anyone. That may just not her thing! Ok, that’s one thought but here is my thought. The bible says to whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). Whether she wants to influence others or not the fact is she does. Every time she opens her mouth as a self-professed Christian she has a responsibility to point people to Jesus. The bible is very clear in John 14:6, Jesus said to him, “I am the only Way to God and the real Truth and the real Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. Let that sink in because these are not our words. These are the words of Jesus so we don’t have to assume any pressure because these words are backed by heaven.

She then went on to add that it doesn’t matter what your religion is because it’s about your relationship and who you are connected to. She stated that there is only one Creator and we are all spiritual beings. Just get connected to God. As a Christian, this is what she said to her audience and the video has been viewed over 400,000 times.

Women of God, our "religion" (whether we are Buddhist, Hindus, Christians, etc.) does matter and here is why:

· That is why I told you that you will die unforgiven and condemned in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am the One I claim to be, you will die in your sins.(John 8:24 AMP)

· And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among people by which we must be saved for God has provided the world no alternative for salvation. (Acts 4:12 AMP)

· For there is only one God, and only one Mediator between God and mankind, the Man Christ Jesus… (I Timothy 2:5 AMP)

The reason why I wanted to share this is because the enemy is so subtle and we have to be vigilant. My heart tells me that she meant absolutely no harm in what she shared but it isn’t biblically sound. Misinformation is sending people to hell. Misinformation is causing us to live lukewarm lives. Misinformation is causing us to not strive to live according to what God has outlined for us in the Bible!

Ladies, I want you to consider what you are allowing into your spirit. I want you to consider who you are following on social media and what messages you are sharing with your peers. If you are sharing anything spiritual that doesn’t line up with the Word of God it is a half-truth or better yet a WHOLE LIE! Whatever your circle of influence is today, I implore you to take it seriously. Someone needs the truth of the Gospel whether they want to hear it or not. It really is life or death to our eternal souls!

Pushing you into Greater,


When Women Pray

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